HireAbility Spokane promotes the hiring of people with developmental disabilities in Spokane County. We provide resources and support to employers and partner with supported employment professionals to create employment solutions that contribute to a diverse, inclusive workforce.
Tips & Resources for Employers
Your guide to better accessibility practices in your Zoom meetings
Let's take it back to 2020... The world is in complete flux, and businesses are looking for ways to digitize both their customer and staff experiences. We overcame our digital challenges, finding tools to help us connect in new ways. Enter Zoom stage left. Today, we...
Growing up with Braille: An interview with Angela Dirk
In honor of January being Braille literacy month, we were lucky enough to sit down with one of our staff at WISE Angela Dirk, who's mother is sight-impaired. Angela shares her experience of growing up around Braille, and some of the new technologies around empowering...
5 Sure-fire Ways to make your Presentations Accessible to All
Times have changed. Working can look more remote, Zoom has become more and more of a staple, and there are more tools than ever to make your presentations look snazzy. You may have put in long hours making your company presentation template and building an elaborate...
Companies We’ve Worked With
Companies We’ve Worked With
Brookdale Park Place Retirement Community
Davenport Hotel
Sacred Heart Hospital
HireAbility Spokane in the Community
Ryan Kipp – Job Seeker
If you’ve been struggling to hire someone who’s the right fit for the position, we’ve got someone you’ll want to hear about! Ryan Kipp is currently looking for work, and we know you’ll be impressed with his working style. Ryan is one of those people who gets things...
Jessica at Spokane Gymnastics
Krem News did a great story on Jessica who works at Spokane Gymnastics. Hireability had facilitated and organized an interview event that the team at Spokane Gymnastics attended. When they met Jessica, it was a perfect fit. Watch the video above for the whole story...
Spokane Talks with Hireability Spokane
Colin from Spokane Talks spoke with Charly Walters of Hireability Spokane and Stephen Eyman from WISE about how they help employers connect with job seekers who have developmental disabilities. The interview starts at 4:25.
Gonzaga / HireAbility Interview Event
HireAbility Spokane partnered with Gonzaga University in a special event that aimed to…
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Phone: 509-217-4142
Email: charly@gowise.org
Address: 203 N. Washington Spokane, WA 99201
© Copyright 2019 | HireAbility Spokane