News and Events

Autism Awareness Month: A conversation with John Lemus

Autism Awareness Month: A conversation with John Lemus

  As you may know, April is Autism Acceptance Month, a time to raise awareness to promote autism acceptance, celebrate neurodiversity and individual differences, and continue to advance inclusivity and connectedness throughout the community. At HireAbility, we...

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Growing up with Braille: An interview with Angela Dirk

Growing up with Braille: An interview with Angela Dirk

In honor of January being Braille literacy month, we were lucky enough to sit down with one of our staff at WISE Angela Dirk, who's mother is sight-impaired. Angela shares her experience of growing up around Braille, and some of the new technologies around empowering...

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5 Sure-fire Ways to make your Presentations Accessible to All

5 Sure-fire Ways to make your Presentations Accessible to All

You may have put in long hours making your company presentation template and building an elaborate presentation to wow your audience; however, with all those improvements, it can sometimes be easy to forget accessibility concerns in the shuffle. Here are 5 easy things you can look for to improve the overall accessibility of your presentations.

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5 Steps to Create an Accessible and Inclusive Workplace

5 Steps to Create an Accessible and Inclusive Workplace

As the workforce becomes more diverse, it's important for employers to create a more accessible workplace that is welcoming to all. This means ensuring that all employees, including those with disabilities, can fully participate in work activities and have access to...

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How You Benefit from Hiring an Employee with a Disability

How You Benefit from Hiring an Employee with a Disability

Hiring employees with disabilities can bring numerous benefits to businesses, including increased diversity, improved morale, and increased productivity. In fact, studies have shown that employees with disabilities have higher rates of job retention and lower rates of...

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Burnout & Employment

Burnout & Employment

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about burnout in the workplace. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, The Mayo Clinic describes it as “a special type of work-related stress—a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced...

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How disability discrimination affects individuals

How disability discrimination affects individuals

When it comes to disability discrimination, we all know the word has a negative connotation. But, we might not understand how discrimination affects actual people.  Today, we want to share a few ways that disability discrimination affects individuals.  What is...

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October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

While you might think of October as our step into fall, Halloween, and pumpkins, there’s actually another holiday this month that we want to bring your attention to. October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, or NDEAM for short.  This special month...

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Disability Pride: What You Need To Know

Disability Pride: What You Need To Know

July is Disability Pride Month! It has been celebrated since 1990, but has gained more attention in recent years. If you’re unsure what this month is all about and why it was created, let us share a bit more about what Disability Pride Month means to us at HireAbility...

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Why employers don’t hire employees with disabilities

Why employers don’t hire employees with disabilities

Here at HireAbility Spokane, we’re used to having some uncomfortable conversations. People don’t always want to share their concerns and experiences, but we try to be a place where employers and employees can learn from each other.  One topic that is particularly...

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Jessica at Spokane Gymnastics

Jessica at Spokane Gymnastics

 Krem News did a great story on Jessica who works at Spokane Gymnastics. Hireability had facilitated and organized an interview event that the team at Spokane Gymnastics attended. When they met Jessica, it was a perfect fit. Watch the video above for the whole story...

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Spokane Talks with Hireability Spokane

Spokane Talks with Hireability Spokane

Colin from Spokane Talks spoke with Charly Walters of Hireability Spokane and Stephen Eyman from WISE about how they help employers connect with job seekers who have developmental disabilities. The interview starts at 4:25.

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Saying the “right” thing to employees with disabilities

Saying the “right” thing to employees with disabilities

Here at Hireability Spokane, we work with employers to evaluate their hiring processes and provide resources that help them hire highly qualified employees who happen to have disabilities. One concern that often comes up with employers and those who would be potential...

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Myths About Hiring Someone with a Disability

Myths About Hiring Someone with a Disability

Are you thinking about hiring someone with a disability? Hiring in Spokane is difficult right now. Employers are struggling to find qualified candidates and here at Hireability Spokane, we want to help.  We promote the hiring of people with developmental disabilities...

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Struggling to Hire? Accessible Hiring Practices that Work

Struggling to Hire? Accessible Hiring Practices that Work

Accessible hiring can make a difference for your business. We’ve heard a lot lately about the difficulties employers have had with hiring. What you might not know is that there are ways your company’s hiring practices might be excluding potential candidates.  Here at...

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2020 Partners for Work Virtual Interview Event

Rotary’s Partners for Work and the City of Spokane teamed up with Hireability Spokane for a first-of-it’s-kind, virtual interview event series.

This unique event offered adults with disabilities an opportunity to interview and connect with city leaders, local business professionals, hiring managers, recruiters, and HR managers.

This entire series of interview events was held virtually via Zoom, to maintain social distancing guidelines. 

City of Spokane Supported Employment/Partners for Work Event

The City of Spokane will be hosting a Supported Employment/Partners for Work Event on October 16 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at City Hall (808 W Spokane Falls Blvd.)! This event will be open to anyone in the community that interested in learning about the SEP program, participate in a panel discussion, and interact with potential employers and managers! More event details will be coming out soon!

Spokane City Hall Media Announcement

Spokane Mayor, David Condon hosted a media announcement on the first floor of Spokane’s City Hall. This was a special event to announce the supported employment kickoff for the City of Spokane and Connection to Community/ABLE legislation.

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Address: 203 N. Washington Spokane, WA 99201

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