Our Process
Spokane employers: Are you ready to diversify your workforce
and find employees that are motivated and reliable?
How to get started working with
Hireability Spokane
As a non-profit, we’re here to help Spokane employers connect with qualified job seekers. It costs nothing to work with us. Here’s a breakdown of our process:
1. Consultation: We start with an information gathering session to determine your workplace needs. We’ll even come to your business for a tour to make sure we really understand the environment and what you’re looking for in an employee.
2. Job Analysis: Our team will take the information from the initial consultation and work with you to edit your job description, plan accessible interviews, and share any workplace observations that could help you find more candidates.
3. Proposal: Once our analysis is complete, we’ll provide you with a proposal for how the position and hiring process can be adapted to encourage more diverse applicants and open your company up to a wider variety of job seekers.
4. Interview & Hire: After the modifications have been made, it will be time to hire. We’ll assist in finding vetted job seekers through our interview events and your normal hiring process. We’re here to help you along the way.
5. Support: Once you make a hire, you and your new employee will meet their job coach. This person will support you and your new team member with training, communication, and more.

Spokane Employers Are You Ready to Find Qualified Employees?
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Phone: 509-217-4142
Email: charly@gowise.org
Address: 203 N. Washington Spokane, WA 99201
© Copyright 2019 | HireAbility Spokane