STCU Breakfast Presentation

HireAbility Spokane offered an informative presentation at STCU headquarters in Liberty Lake, WA. The aim of the presentation was to educate STCU’s department managers about the efforts of HireAbility Spokane and about the workforce opportunities that may be available to them.

The event opened with Laura wood, Vice President of Human Resources and Organizational Development for STCU, offering some history about STCU’s involvement with HireAbility Spokane (HAS) and welcoming everyone for joining.

HAS Program Advisor, David Sonntag kicked off HAS’s presentation with some insight into how and why HAS was developed and then played HAS’s latest promotional video for the STCU audience.

Next, HAS Program Advisor, Brian Nichols shared some of his own positive experiences in working with individuals with development disabilities over the last 20 years.

Finally, HAS Program Coordinator, Cathy Sacco spoke to a larger extent on the efforts of HAS, while fielding questions and addressing concerns from the STCU staff members in attendance.

At the conclusion of the event, Laura Wood briefly spoke with several members of her team. Later, HAS Coordinator, Cathy Sacco learned that Laura had at least four department mangers ask to be a part of an interviewing panel and and a few managers shared that they may have available positions within their departments.

The event was well attended, well received, and as apparent by the new interest and opportunities, had an instant and positive impact with the STCU department managers.

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