2020 Partners for Work Virtual Interview Event

Partners for Work Teams with HireAbility Spokane for Virtual Interview Event


“Partners for Work” is an annual event hosted by the City of Spokane, connecting job-seekers with disabilities to potential employers in Spokane County.  Due to Covid-19, this year’s event was held throughout the month of October, via Zoom.

Prior to interviewing, candidates participated in a webinar that focused on preparing them with tips for interviewing through virtual platforms. Next, a virtual panel discussion was held for potential employers, focusing on employing individuals with disabilities. Employers shared their personal experiences and the City of Spokane discussed their Supportive Employment program.

On October 22, and 29, candidates participated in multiple, five minute interviews with participating businesses. Registered businesses included: KHQ, Spokane Fire Department, City of Spokane, and Spokane Rotary, to name a few. This event offered adults with disabilities an opportunity to interview and connect with city leaders, local business professionals, hiring managers, recruiters, and HR managers.

HireAbility Spokane is a non-profit organization that connects employers in Spokane County with job-seekers who have disabilities and are capable of making a difference. It is our hope that in the coming weeks, we will see several individuals placed into new positions within the participating businesses.

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