Hiring qualified employees has never been easier

Learn tools to help train employees with disabilities to be some of the best assets on your team!

At HireAbility, we help employers like you to fill job positions with qualified and eager employees.

At your small business, we know that hiring can have a huge effect on your business. Money matters and employee salary, onboarding, and retention are key factors contributing to your company’s overall success. So how do you find that perfect new hire?

Our non-profit assists employers in the Spokane region with interview tips for people with disabilities. We also provide additional resources including a knowledgeable employment specialist, assistance with job training, and prescreened and qualified job seekers.

Get started today with our free download.

Get 10 Tips for Training an Employee With a Disability

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Nick is one of those employees you always wish you had more of. He’s willing to help anywhere, everywhere and with anyone.
Dan Gregg

Senior Manager, Sweeto Burrito

When individuals with disabilities are employed, they:

  • Can add stability to your business through higher than average retention rates.
  • Can increase the success of your business through increased productivity and innovative solutions.
  • Become a valued employee which can improve the culture and morale of the workplace

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Phone: 509-217-4142
Email: [email protected]
Address: 203 N. Washington Spokane, WA 99201

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